Employee Acknowledgement Form Employee Home Shop Morris Forms Company Newsletters Policies Phone Numbers and Employee Listing Company Handbook and Safety Policy Manual Accidents Employee Receipt and Acknowledgement of the Morris Company Handbook - Safety Policy Manual - Background Check Policy Step 1 of 2 50% Employee Receipt and Acknowledgement of the Morris Company HandbookI have received and reviewed a copy of Morris’s “Handbook” and I agree to comply with and be bound by the policies stated therein. I understand that Morris, with prior notice, has the right to interpret and change these policies in its discretion. I also understand that my employment is not under an employment contract or guaranteed for any period of time and that my employment is "at-will". I understand that this means I can end my employment relationship at any time and Morris may terminate my employment as detailed in this document. I also understand that comments or promises by any Company employee or officer about modifications to this document’s contents are not enforceable unless and until expressly agreed to in writing by Morris.Morris Inc EmployeePrinted Employee Name:*Employee Signature:* Employee Receipt and Acknowledgement of the Morris Safety Policy ManualI have received and reviewed a copy of Morris’s “Handbook” and I agree to comply with and be bound by the policies stated therein. I understand that Morris, with prior notice, has the right to interpret and change these policies in its discretion. I also understand that my employment is not under an employment contract or guaranteed for any period of time and that my employment is "at-will". I understand that this means I can end my employment relationship at any time and Morris may terminate my employment as detailed in this document. I also understand that comments or promises by any Company employee or officer about modifications to this document’s contents are not enforceable unless and until expressly agreed to in writing by Morris.Morris Inc EmployeePrinted Employee Name:*Employee Signature:*Consent*I understand that Morris, Inc. may monitor my location during working hours using the GPS location services on my phone. I understand that I have no expectation of privacy in my whereabouts during working time, and expressly permit the Company to perform such monitoring. I agree to the above Morris Company Handbook and Safety Policy Manual Employee Receipt and Acknowledgement. News Archives May 2024 February 2024 March 2023 December 2022 August 2022 February 2022 June 2021 May 2021 March 2021 September 2020 August 2020 June 2020 February 2020 January 2020 October 2019 September 2019 June 2019 April 2019 February 2019 April 2018 February 2018